
To those considering placing their child for adoption.

We choose adoption and love it!  Because we have adopted our daughter we KNOW that adoption works.  Our little family is bonded by love not DNA. We don't have to look a like to belong to each other. First though let us tell you about our family. We are just crazy about our toddler, Elora. She is our little Latina princess. When she was placed with is it felt like Christmas morning x 1000. We love Elora's birthmom. Because of her we have our a family. She brought so much joy to our lives. It is so wonderful how children change your life forever. Our extended family adores her. She fits right in. Elora has all of her 10 cousins wrapped around her little finger. They call her “Adora”. She loves Grandma and Grandpa. She likes to bounce, listen to music, dance, read books and play outside. She is healthy, inquisitive and likes to sing. She walks around singing "Tinkle Tinkle, diddle tar." She is interested in babies. She has a little toy "Be Be" doll she loves on a lot. We think she would be a good big sister. Any baby placed with us will have a best friend for life with Elora as their sibling.
As a mom, I love staying home and being able to raise my children. Everyday I get to wake up to a dream come true with my darling daughter and silly husband. I get a kick out of watching Elora explore the world.  When I am not changing diapers or taking care of the house I like to do volunteer work. I always enjoy a good book, especially young adult fiction. (One can never have too many books or too much chocolate.) I enjoy cooking, scrap booking and learning. I am trying to grow a garden and learn how to play the piano. I am grateful I was able to finish my Bachelors degree. I like the week-end mini vacations we take as a family. It's amazing how much fun you can have as a family doing something as simple as camping, swimming at the lake or horseback riding. We have a blast at the Magic House, Zoo, Art Museum, City museum, theaters and cultural arts centers up in St. Louis. We also visit Grandma and Grandpa  at least once a month. We  like to go vacationing in Brian's home state of Maine.
 I am the class clown of the family. Why am I the clown of the family? It's because I believe that sometimes a smile is the best medicine anyone can have. No matter how dark things may seem, there is always a positive side.  It's not just in my home life that I have applied humor. Where appropriate, in my profession as a mental health therapist, I have often used humor to help my patients. Often times  my patients have made comments to other how comfortable they feel around me. To any child we are privileged to adopt, that means the child will have days filled with smiles and laughter. Now, I don't want anyone to think I don't have a serious side, because I do. I have found a way to balance things out. Why discourage someone, when you can point things out, and build them up in the process.  Am I the clown of the family? You betcha. However, I also have a heart as big as the open ranges of Wyoming, and  look forward to sharing that with more children. Even though I was a Marine I really am just a big marshmallow. When I am not working I like to hangout with my daughter, take photos, go for walks and go camping.

We are very excited to be adopting again. We can't wait to have another baby to snuggle and hold. We also can't wait to meet YOU! Also, we promise to raise your child in love. We believe in gentle parenting that is based on kindness and respect. Our goal is to help our children reach their fullest potential. We want them to live their lives to the fullest. To us life is precious. We know how fragile life can be. Our twin boys were born premature in 2007. Daniel lived for 5 days; Andrew lived for 7 days. Holding them while they died taught us how important it is to not waste the life we have been given. We try to take advantage of every opportunity to experience new things, to dance to the music and not sit on the sidelines of life. We try to savor every sunset, every flower and every magical moment of each breath. While you prepare to witness your child's first breath we hope your heart is filled with peace.  Everything may not be OK right now but God has a plan for you and your little one. If you choose adoption we would be honored to raise your precious, sweet baby. Whatever you choose it will work out in the end.
 Take care and God Bless.
 Brian, Beth and Elora